America Lost a Bit of Her Luster?

On this 5th of July, it appears as if “Lady Liberty” has lost a bit of her luster, just a little–but it is of concern to this reporter.

America: The land of the free, home of the brave–a place where every man, woman and child can rise to the limit of their abilities. Now we all know that that statement is far too simplistic and not true for many–thus there is work to be done.  Agree on that.

This Cub Reporter finds the following facet of Lady Liberties’ America of concern:

(There are more  – but these samples may give one pause)


The fine people of America are being: Sliced, diced, labeled, categorized, pigeonhole – ed, manipulated, insulted, cancelled, idolized, pulverized, praised, punched, weaponized against each other and abused like never before.   Oops – left out taxed, regulated, lawyered,  “inflation – ed” and otherwise mentally assaulted to the point of exhaustion.  Now that is also a long and “far to simplistic” list but “there is some nuggets of truth in there”.

Sliced and diced has been going on forever – I was a WASCNDK (White, Anglo, Saxon, Catholic, North Dakota, Kid) for 18 years.  That placed me in the “Flyover Voter” category so “not worthy” of political investment.  Now I am “Old” so of little value now either.

The reality of “Today In America” is that a “differing opinion” is unacceptable and leads to :  repeat list above.

The ground beneath our feet seems to be shifting – up is down, pepper is salt, etc.

Another Sample


A few years ago, the entire Syracuse University Women’s Swim Team, “The Orange Wave” was disqualified from all NCAA competition and banned for a period of three years.  Random post-event drug testing had revealed abnormal “testosterone” levels in eight team members following a meet.  NCAA officials deemed this level of cheating / enhanced performance to be systemic – thus the school punishment.

Last week the NY western regional qualifying meet took place at Cornell University Swim Center.  In what NCAA officials have termed “A World Changing Event”, Ashley __________ completed the 1000 meter freestyle event shattering the women’s record by 26 seconds.   When queried by this reporter, NCAA officials explained that Ashley had officialy changed her pronoun as of two weeks ago when the LEY was added to ASH in school records.  The NCAA  further explained that 20 years of   “100 % Natural –  Intrinsic Testosterone Usage” is not considered doping.

  • Just keep swimming
  • Just keep swimming
  • Just keep swimming
  • Just keep swimming              

Another Sample

Have you looked for Aunt Jemima Pancakes and Syrup lately?  Absolutely the best light fluffy tasty cakes and robust maple syrup.  The kind of comfort food that memories are made of for generations of kids and adults.  That wonderful lady could cook!!!  A truly awesome member of our culture.                                                                   

My “World View”? Seems our Aunt Jemima, or the concept of her (my world view) has been deemed to be “systemically racist” and has been “Cancelled”  – relegated to the dustbin of history, likely to be historically revised and permanently labeled as evil rather than a perfect marketing tactic that highlighted world class culinary contributions of a great fictional American.