Mike's Ponderings To share thoughts about curious aspects of life Sat, 22 Jul 2023 23:45:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 221013331 Stories About Challenges in Writing https://mikes-ponderings.com/2023/07/22/pondering-stories-about-challenges-in-writing/ Sat, 22 Jul 2023 21:49:02 +0000 https://mikes-ponderings.com/?p=96 by Mike Konkel and Chuck Appleby This is Carter McNamara, a friend of Mike’s. He permitted me to organize this blog post in his blog. I write “organize” because it was composed by Mike and another dear friend of mine, Chuck Appleby. I’ve read many times that one of the most powerful ways to make … Continue reading Stories About Challenges in Writing

The post Stories About Challenges in Writing appeared first on Mike's Ponderings.

by Mike Konkel and Chuck Appleby

This is Carter McNamara, a friend of Mike’s. He permitted me to organize this blog post in his blog. I write “organize” because it was composed by Mike and another dear friend of mine, Chuck Appleby. I’ve read many times that one of the most powerful ways to make a point is to tell a story. In this post, each of them sure shows that to be true. In this post, Mike and Chuck each tell a Navy story, as means to describe how the task of writing can be so challenging for each of them.

Mike’s Story

Back in the Navy, we practiced (in simulator situations of course) tracking and shooting Soviet submarines with torpedoes. Acoustic information (for example, a bearing to the sound 095 degrees and drawing left) is all we had, so in order to determine the tactical picture (target parameters of range, course and speed), we would conduct a process called Target Motion Analysis (TMA). 

By maneuvering our submarine’s left, right, up, down and changes in speed, the variations in the acoustic signal can be interpreted and your team can figure out the tactical picture!

A boat load of assumptions needs to be made–and then there is the possibility that the enemy is better than you at all of this and will shoot first. So it can get tense. That is where the “Reset” button comes in real handy–we all live, except it’s ass chewin’ time if someone screwed up!

The Fire Control Coordinator (Me) always wants more data to refine the picture. The Approach Officer (Captain) eventually feels comfortable with the solution, so he barks out, “Executive Officer, now you’re just polishing the cannonball. I’m shooting!”

The same basic thought process applies to my “writing.”


Chuck’s Story

Mike, I hope your writing is a bit less stressful than tracking Russian subs.

For me, writing is something I struggle with. I am not a perfectionist … so it must be something else. For example, writing my PhD dissertation was a very painful experience. I went for many walks in the woods to reduce the stress.  The effort was worth it. It was honored as the best dissertation in Foreign Policy at the Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies. I was offered a book contract by the University of North Carolina Press. I did not pursue the book … too many juicy distractions engulfed me in my “Attention Deficit Disorder” world.

Writing the dissertation did show me that I did have the discipline to write a “book.” Most important, my topic became a lifelong focus on the challenge of leaders in managing dilemmas.

I took a deep dive into the formulation and execution of Eisenhower’s national security strategy; specifically, the way he managed the dilemma he faced with the Soviet Union (containment and arms control negotiations.) I interviewed around 60 players in the Eisenhower national security world, including Sherman Adams (Chief of Staff) and John McCone, who became head of the CIA.I think I am going down a rabbit hole … bye.


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“We Should Call It Star Wars!” https://mikes-ponderings.com/2023/07/08/we-should-call-it-star-wars/ Sat, 08 Jul 2023 20:56:03 +0000 https://mikes-ponderings.com/?p=72 Date: 15 June 1981 Time: 0843 Local (+ GMT) Location: The Barents Sea, approximately 100 Nm due west of Novaya Zemlya The Protagonists USS Batfish SSN 681 36 days into a planned 55 day duration Northern Run. Mission: Gather intelligence data on targets of interest, highest priority being Typhoon class submarines. Dmitriy Donskoi (TK-208) Soviet Typhoon … Continue reading “We Should Call It Star Wars!”

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Date: 15 June 1981

Time: 0843 Local (+ GMT)

Location: The Barents Sea, approximately 100 Nm due west of Novaya Zemlya

The Protagonists

USS Batfish SSN 681 36 days into a planned 55 day duration Northern Run. Mission: Gather intelligence data on targets of interest, highest priority being Typhoon class submarines.

Dmitriy Donskoi (TK-208) Soviet Typhoon class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine. Two days at sea. NSA (all resource/fusion) assessment is that 208 is conducting an “end-to-end” weapons system test / evaluation mission similar to the DASO conducted by US missile boats.

Kosmonavt Yuriy Gagarin Two days at sea. Four huge dish antennas dominate the superstructure of this Soviet telemetry and space tracking vessel. Purpose built for the Soviet space program, it’s capabilities have been widely cross utilized in military programs. NSA estimate – direct support of Typhoon 208 mission.

Northern Fleet Assets – Over the past week, roughly 1/3 of the fleet had been deployed in sectors covering the eastern reaches (30 percent) of the Barents Sea. Kirov, Moskva, Kresta IIs, Kyndas etc. Air wing elements including Tupelov TU – 142 Bear, Ilyushin Il-38 May and Kamov Ka-25 Hormone. Mission: Sanitize operating areas in support of Typhoon 208 mission. Submerged assets believed to be six – a mix of Victor IIs, and IIIs.

British Tactical Situation

At Periscope Depth (Scope is Down)

Alerted by NSA satellite monitors, Batfish made initial contact with 208 as she crossed the 100 fathom curve outbound from Guba Litsa submarine base. In loose trail, Batfish avoided detection and monitored Gagarin as she accompanied 208 in transit to their present location.

208 (Master 1) has been in a “Slow Racetrack Mode” in a perceived east / west steaming box for the last 6 hours while Gagarin (Master 2) conducts similar maneuvers roughly 4,000 yards to the northwest. Batfish has worked her way to a position approximately 2000 yards to the southwest of 208 in order to achieve optimal acoustic / visual conditions. Shadowing 208 movements, she will maintain best position for data acquisition.

Hushed Batfish Control Room

The entire ship’s crew has been at “Battle Stations” Manning status since 0516 when the Senior Rider (Russian Linguist) reported “launch readiness comms” during a scope exposure. Tension tempered by weariness has set in.

  • 0843:00 PA: (Periscope Assistant): “Last Observation, 3 min, last Look around 9 min”
  • 0843:05 CO (Commanding Officer): “XO ?”
  • 0843:07 XO (Executive Officer) “No change Captain, picture is good.”
  • 0843:13 CO: “Look Around Number 2 Scope, bring me up on Master 1.”
  • 0843:19 XO: “Sonar Bearing to Master 1 – 342”
  • 0843:24 CO: “Up scope”.
  • (Click – whuuuuuuuurssssshhhhhh kerrrchunk) (mechanical/hydraulic flow noise/scope goes up)
  • 0843:30 PA: “On 342.”
  • CO grabs the handles looks down the bearing / then rotates to the right, stopping periodically for a moment, shifts to high power then back to low power, move, stop, shift, move stop shift.
  • 0843:35 PA: “5 seconds , 10 seconds…….”
  • 0843:45 CO: “Down scope!!!”
  • (Click – whuuuuuuuurssssshhhhhh kerrrchunk)
  • 0843:48 Conn-Radio: “Rider says they are shooting”!!
  • 0843:53 Conn-Sonar: “Multiple Transients bearing 025!!!”
  • 0843:57 CO: “Dive – 62 feet smartly, ahead two thirds, raise ESM mast, raising both scopes”
  • (Click – whuuuuuuuurssssshhhhhh kerrrchunk)
  • (Click – whuuuuuuuurssssshhhhhh kerrrchunk)
  • 0844:25 Dive: “62 feet sir”
  • 0844”27 CO: “Ahead 1/3. Lets get every scrap of data we can!!!”
  • 0844:55 CO: “””Holy sh…………………..!!!!!!!”””
  • (What transpired over the next 8 minutes was nothing short of a prelude Armageddon as 20 (Twenty) RSM 52 first generation ballistic missiles were ripple launched on a southeastern trajectory.)

Date: 4 July 1981

Time: 2243 Local (+ GMT)

Location: The Oval Office – President Ronald Reagan (5 months into his presidency) has just viewed the National Mall Fireworks Display from the balcony of the Whitehouse with his family and senior staff.

  • RR (President Ronald Reagan): “Now George, what is so important? Can this wait until morning?”
  • DC (Vice President George H. W. Bush): “Mr. President, I really believe you should see this short video and read this NSA executive summary.”

A few minutes later …

  • RR: “Holy Sh ……………. !!!!!!!

And the idea that came to be known as “Star Wars” was firmly implanted in Reagan’s mind.

(The ownership of the pictures of the submarine and of Reagan and Bush are as of yet unidentified.)

The post “We Should Call It Star Wars!” appeared first on Mike's Ponderings.

America Lost a Bit of Her Luster? https://mikes-ponderings.com/2023/07/05/america-lost-a-bit-of-her-luster/ Wed, 05 Jul 2023 20:56:00 +0000 https://mikes-ponderings.com/?p=74 On this 5th of July, it appears as if “Lady Liberty” has lost a bit of her luster, just a little–but it is of concern to this reporter. America: The land of the free, home of the brave–a place where every man, woman and child can rise to the limit of their abilities. Now we … Continue reading America Lost a Bit of Her Luster?

The post America Lost a Bit of Her Luster? appeared first on Mike's Ponderings.

On this 5th of July, it appears as if “Lady Liberty” has lost a bit of her luster, just a little–but it is of concern to this reporter.

America: The land of the free, home of the brave–a place where every man, woman and child can rise to the limit of their abilities. Now we all know that that statement is far too simplistic and not true for many–thus there is work to be done.  Agree on that.

This Cub Reporter finds the following facet of Lady Liberties’ America of concern:

(There are more  – but these samples may give one pause)


The fine people of America are being: Sliced, diced, labeled, categorized, pigeonhole – ed, manipulated, insulted, cancelled, idolized, pulverized, praised, punched, weaponized against each other and abused like never before.   Oops – left out taxed, regulated, lawyered,  “inflation – ed” and otherwise mentally assaulted to the point of exhaustion.  Now that is also a long and “far to simplistic” list but “there is some nuggets of truth in there”.

Sliced and diced has been going on forever – I was a WASCNDK (White, Anglo, Saxon, Catholic, North Dakota, Kid) for 18 years.  That placed me in the “Flyover Voter” category so “not worthy” of political investment.  Now I am “Old” so of little value now either.

The reality of “Today In America” is that a “differing opinion” is unacceptable and leads to :  repeat list above.

The ground beneath our feet seems to be shifting – up is down, pepper is salt, etc.

Another Sample


A few years ago, the entire Syracuse University Women’s Swim Team, “The Orange Wave” was disqualified from all NCAA competition and banned for a period of three years.  Random post-event drug testing had revealed abnormal “testosterone” levels in eight team members following a meet.  NCAA officials deemed this level of cheating / enhanced performance to be systemic – thus the school punishment.

Last week the NY western regional qualifying meet took place at Cornell University Swim Center.  In what NCAA officials have termed “A World Changing Event”, Ashley __________ completed the 1000 meter freestyle event shattering the women’s record by 26 seconds.   When queried by this reporter, NCAA officials explained that Ashley had officialy changed her pronoun as of two weeks ago when the LEY was added to ASH in school records.  The NCAA  further explained that 20 years of   “100 % Natural –  Intrinsic Testosterone Usage” is not considered doping.

  • Just keep swimming
  • Just keep swimming
  • Just keep swimming
  • Just keep swimming              

Another Sample

Have you looked for Aunt Jemima Pancakes and Syrup lately?  Absolutely the best light fluffy tasty cakes and robust maple syrup.  The kind of comfort food that memories are made of for generations of kids and adults.  That wonderful lady could cook!!!  A truly awesome member of our culture.                                                                   

My “World View”? Seems our Aunt Jemima, or the concept of her (my world view) has been deemed to be “systemically racist” and has been “Cancelled”  – relegated to the dustbin of history, likely to be historically revised and permanently labeled as evil rather than a perfect marketing tactic that highlighted world class culinary contributions of a great fictional American.

The post America Lost a Bit of Her Luster? appeared first on Mike's Ponderings.
